Hugh Jackman, known for his role as Wolverine, shared a colourful Instagram post featuring a cake to celebrate Pride Month, sparking playful responses to rumours about his sexuality. The actor and his ex-wife have both humorously addressed such speculations in the past.

Hugh Jackman, the 55-year-old Wolverine star, celebrated Pride Month on Thursday by sharing an Instagram post featuring a cake covered in yellow icing and rainbow decorations. The cake, which Jackman appeared to have baked himself, was captioned “Happy Pride!” in bold rainbow font.

This post is seen as one of Jackman’s playful responses to ongoing rumors about his sexuality. These rumors have been addressed before, notably by his ex-wife Deborra-Lee Furness, 68, who humorously dismissed them during a podcast interview in 2022 on “Not an Overnight Success.”

In the interview, Furness stated, “If he was gay, he could be gay! He didn’t have to hide in the closet anymore, and he’d be dating Brad Pitt,” adding that such rumors are “silly and boring.”

Jackman also humorously addressed these rumors himself during his 2019 show, “Hugh Jackman: The Man. The Music. The Show” at London’s O2 arena, where he jestingly questioned, “I know what you’re all thinking… is he? Isn’t he… [pauses for effect]… Australian?”

The actor and Furness announced their separation in September after 27 years of marriage, stating their decision was made “to pursue our individual growth.” The former couple shares two adopted children, Oscar, 24, and Ava, 18.


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